FAQ and Trouble Shooting Smart Home Devices Part#: HS1050
Quick installation guide:
QIG To set up with Alexa, open Alexs app, go to Home->Skills->search Tuya Smart"->add or enable Tuya Smart. Now you can go the Smart Home under the Home button, and set up the device for your voice control. For Google home: QIG for setting up Google Home (Please first download "Smart Life" app in order to use Google home) Part#PS4U4
Quick installation guide: For Amazon Alexa: To set up with Alexa, open Alexs app, go to Home->Skills->search Tuya Smart"->add or enable Tuya Smart. Now you can go the Smart Home under the Home button, and set up the device for your voice control. For Google home:
Please first download "Smart Life" app in order to use Google